The storage period for personal data and information recorded in the processing mentioned in article R. 142-43 is five years from the date of validation or refusal to validate the reception certificate by the mayor.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum | Regulatory part | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title IV: ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES AND DATA PROCESSING | Chapter II: AUTOMATED PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA | Section 7: Automatic processing of personal data relating to requests for validation of reception certificates | Subsection 4: Data retention | Article R142-47 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
The storage period for personal data and information recorded in the processing mentioned in article R. 142-43 is five years from the date of validation or refusal to validate the reception certificate by the mayor.
La durée de conservation des données à caractère personnel et informations enregistrées dans les traitements mentionnés à l’article R. 142-43 est de cinq ans à compter de la date de validation ou du refus de validation par le maire de l’attestation d’accueil.
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