Have access, by reason of their attributions and within the limits of the need to know, to all or part of the personal data and information recorded in the processing mentioned in article R. 142-51 :
1° Agents of the Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (French Office for Immigration and Integration) responsible for managing the national reception system, assigned to the Asylum Directorate, the Accounting Agency and the Asylum Offices within its territorial directorates, individually designated and specially authorised for this purpose by the Director General of the Office ;
2° Agents responsible for the reception of asylum seekers reporting to the central and decentralised departments of the Ministries of the Interior and Social Affairs, individually designated and specially empowered by the Office’s Director General;
3° Agents of the structures mentioned in articles L. 550-2 and L. 552-1 of this Code and those mentioned in Article L. 349-2 of the Social Action and Family Code, individually designated and specially authorised by the Director General of the Office; these agents have access to all data relating to persons monitored by their structure, with the exception of data relating to the asylum seeker’s allowance mentioned in B, C and D of III of the annexe 7, and only to the data relating to their establishment mentioned in IV of the same annexe.