Voting in the elections provided for in articles R. 1424-11 et R. 1424-12 are surveyed by a commission comprising:
a) The prefect, chairman, or his representative;
b) The chairman of the board of directors or his representative appointed from among the members of the board;
c) Two mayors and two chairmen of public establishments for inter-communal cooperation appointed by the members of the board of directors;
d) The departmental director of fire and rescue services or his representative.
The commission’s secretariat is provided by an official from the prefecture.
A representative of each list may monitor the ballot counting operations.
For the majority list election, in the event of a tie, the election is won by the list with the highest average age of candidates.
For the proportional list system, in the event of a tie in the allocation of the last seat remaining to be filled, this seat goes to the list that has obtained the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, the election is won by the oldest candidate eligible for election.
The results are announced, posted and published by the chairman of the committee. They may be contested before the administrative court, within ten days of their proclamation, by any elector, by any candidate and by the prefect.