Article R1410-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Concession contracts of local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments are awarded and executed in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Code.
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Concession contracts of local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments are awarded and executed in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Code.
The provisions of articles D. 1411-3, D. 1411-4, D. 1411-5 and R. 1411-6 apply to concession contracts of local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments.
Public service delegations by local authorities, their groupings and their public establishments are awarded and executed in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Code.
The full and alternate members of the committee responsible for opening the bids, provided for in article L. 1411-5, containing the bids of candidates likely to be selected as delegatees of a local public service are elected by list ballot according to the system of proportional representation with application of the rule of the largest remainder without panachage or preferential vote.
The lists may include fewer names than there are seats of titular members and substitutes to be filled. In the event of a tie, the seat goes to the list that has obtained the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, the seat is awarded to the oldest of the candidates likely to be proclaimed elected. .
The local deliberative assembly sets the conditions for submitting lists.
A prefect who refers a public service delegation agreement to the regional audit chamber, pursuant to article L. 1411-18, attach to this referral, in addition to the full text of the act, all documents and information useful for its examination and relating to its award. The provisions of the articles R. 244-1, R. 263-13 and R. 263-41 of the Financial Jurisdictions Code and those of articles R. 1612-8, R. 1612-12…
For the application of 7° of Article L. 2313-1, the report mentioned in Article L. 3131-5 of the Public Procurement Code is attached to the administrative account.
The régies created pursuant to article L. 1412-1 are subject to the provisions of the chapitre 1er du titre II du livre II de la deuxième partie.
Local authorities, their public establishments, public establishments for inter-communal cooperation or mixed syndicates may individualise the management of an administrative public service falling within their remit by setting up a régie subject to the provisions of chapitre Ier du titre II du livre II de la deuxième partie. Excluded, however, are services which, by their nature or by law, can only be provided by the local authority itself.
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