A bureau is set up within the national conference composed, in addition to its chairman and vice-chairman:
a) Six of the members mentioned in a, b, c and d of article R. 1424-59, designated by their peers;
b) Three fire brigade representatives appointed by the President of the Fédération nationale des sapeurs-pompiers de France, including at least one volunteer fire brigade member;
> c) Three fire brigade representatives appointed by the President of the Fédération nationale des sapeurs-pompiers de France.
c) Three fire brigade representatives appointed by the professional fire brigade trade unions referred to in e of article R. 1424-59 or, failing that, by the chairman of the national conference;
d) The departmental director of the fire and rescue services mentioned in f of article R. 1424-59;
> e) The general director of the fire and rescue services mentioned in f of article R. 1424-59
e) The Director General of Civil Protection and Crisis Management.
The Bureau sets the agenda.
The bureau draws up the agenda for the meetings of the national conference. It examines in advance all texts submitted to the plenary conference. It may be delegated by the conference to issue recommendations or opinions on drafts relating to certain categories of regulatory acts, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the rules of procedure or in the event of an emergency, provided that it reports thereon at the next meeting.
The Executive Committee may not validly deliberate on matters referred to it by the plenary conference.
The Bureau may only validly deliberate if at least five of the members referred to in a, b, c and d of article R. 1424-59 are present.