Throughout the duration of the contract, the signatory may benefit, at his request, from aid in the event of incapacity due to illness, calculated on a flat-rate daily basis and equal to one thirtieth of half of the maximum amount of additional remuneration received in application of articles R. 1435-9-4 and R. 1435-9-6.
The aid is paid in respect of the month during which the eighth day of work stoppage occurs and is calculated on the basis of the number of days of work stoppage. It is paid each month, up to a maximum of 90 days per absence from work, for doctors in private practice, and each quarter for doctors working as replacements.
The aid is paid subject to the signatory meeting the following conditions:
1° Having practised, within the framework of the contract to start work, during the three months preceding the month in which the work stoppage begins;
2° Having reached, during one of the three months preceding this work stoppage, the minimum income threshold required in application of articles R. 1435-4 and R. 1435-9-7 ;
3° Provide the Regional Health Agency, within forty-eight hours of stopping work, with proof that they have been off work for more than seven days.