I.-The categories of data collected within the national health data system are as follows:
1° Information relating to recipients of care and medico-social benefits:
a) The pseudonym, consisting of a non-representative code obtained by an irreversible cryptographic process from the registration number in the National Register for the Identification of Natural Persons ;
b) Sex, month and year of birth, rank of birth, municipality of residence and its code as well as sub-municipal location data, excluding any address;
c) medico-administrative information, in particular, where applicable, information relating to long-term conditions on the list referred to inarticle D. 160-4 of the Social Security Code, and occupational diseases;
d) Where applicable, information relating to the death:
i) The date of death ;
ii) The commune and place of death;
iii) The causes and circumstances of death;
iv) Family situation and occupation at the date of death;
2° Information concerning the compulsory health insurance bodies and, if applicable, the supplementary health insurance bodies involved in the financial coverage of the beneficiary of care and benefits:
a) Identification of the bodies ;
b) The characteristics of the reimbursement by the compulsory health insurance and, where applicable, the complementary health insurance bodies;
3° Information relating to the health, medico-social and financial care associated with each beneficiary:
a) Information relating to the benefits provided for outpatient care: nature of the procedures, goods and services, codes for medical procedures, medical devices, pharmacy, biological and medical transport procedures, date of care, date of pregnancy;
b) Information relating to services and stays carried out in health care or medico-social establishments and services, including outpatient care and emergency care, as well as the medical diagnoses associated with the description of the treatment;
c) The amount of the procedure or service, its rating or coefficient, the rate applied and the proportion covered by compulsory health insurance, any modulation or exemption from co-payment and the reason for this, as well as the date of reimbursement or payment;
d) Accounting data relating to benefits covered by compulsory health insurance;
e) The type of contract, the nature of the risks covered and information relating to cover provided by supplementary health insurance, if applicable;
4° Information relating to the health professionals and services involved in the care of the beneficiaries mentioned in I:
a) The identification number of the professional and, where applicable, the establishment to which they are attached;
b) Sex, date of birth ;
c) The profession and, if applicable, the speciality, the method of practice, the contractual status and the affiliation fund;
d) The place where the healthcare professional performed the procedure;
5° Medico-social information relating to the situation of people with disabilities sent to the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie as part of the information system referred to inarticle L. 247-2 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles:
a) Data relating to the disability and care of the people concerned ;
b) Data concerning the decisions mentioned inarticle L. 241-6 of the Social Action and Family Code;
c) Data relating to the consequences of referrals made by the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of Disabled People, particularly with regard to establishments and services likely to accommodate or support the people concerned;
6° Information relating to work stoppages and cash benefits: data relating to work stoppages, the payment of daily allowances for sickness, maternity, paternity, accidents at work and occupational diseases and the payment of invalidity pensions, annuities following an accident at work or an occupational disease or death grants.
7° Information relating to the health, social and environmental conditions, lifestyles and economic background of the persons concerned, collected in the course of preventive, diagnostic, care or medical or medico-social monitoring activities or a survey in the health field.
II – On expiry of the period stipulated in 4° of IV of Article L. 1461-1, this data is archived in accordance with Articles L. 212-2 and L. 212-3 of the French Heritage Code.