The agreement concluded pursuant to the third paragraph of articles L. 2251-4, L. 3232-4 and in 6° of article L. 4211-1 between the operator or future operator and the local authority concerned sets out:
1° The purpose of the aid, in particular the objectives corresponding to the film project referred to in 6° of article R. 1511-41 or, in the case of the creation of a new establishment, the cinematographic project and programming project provided for in 6° of article R. 1511-41-1;
2° The amount and terms of the aid;
3° The conditions under which the interested party undertakes, in the event of non-compliance with the commitments and objectives provided for in 6° of article R. 1511-41 or, in the case of the creation of a new establishment, to 5° of Article R. 1511-41-1, to return all or part of the aid received.