Articles R. 1411-7 to R. 1411-11, as amended by Decree No. 2016-1621 of 28 November 2016, are applicable to the territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, subject to the following adaptations:
1° In Article R. 1411-8, the words: “and the competent regional health agency” are replaced by the words: “and the Wallis and Futuna health agency”;
2° In Article R. 1411-11, the words: “the health and medico-social sectors” are replaced by the words: “the health system”, the words: “, the competent regional health agency and the health establishments” are replaced by the words: “and the Wallis and Futuna Health Agency” and the second, third, fourth and fifth paragraphs are replaced by a paragraph worded as follows: “Regional cooperation, as referred to in Article L. 1411-10, shall be developed in particular within the framework of agreements concluded by the Wallis and Futuna Health Agency. “