The special contribution relating to municipal and inter-communal libraries and departmental libraries provided for by article L. 1614-10 comprises two fractions:
– the first fraction is intended to contribute to the financing of investments and non-permanent operating expenditure for the benefit of municipal and inter-municipal libraries and departmental libraries. The amount of the appropriations for this fraction corresponds to the difference between the total amount of the special assistance and the amount of the appropriations for the second fraction;
– the purpose of the second fraction is to contribute to the financing of investments and non-permanent operating expenditure for the benefit of municipal and inter-municipal libraries and departmental libraries likely to have a departmental or regional influence as defined in the second paragraph of the article R. 1614-88. The amount of appropriations in this fraction is calculated by applying to the total amount of special assistance a rate determined each year by joint order of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister responsible for culture and no more than 15%.
Main, sector and annex municipal and inter-communal libraries, as well as main and annex departmental libraries, are eligible for special assistance.
For the purposes of this sub-section, in the context of the public reading network of a local authority or group of local authorities, the library at the head of the network is referred to as the main library; libraries that are dependent on another library are referred to as branch libraries; libraries that are neither main nor branch libraries are referred to as sector libraries.