1° Notified to the applicant within a period of ten days from the date of the Commission meeting, either by administrative means against receipt, or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or by electronic mail under the conditions set out in the fourth paragraph of this article.
When letters are sent to the applicant by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt, the interested party is deemed to have received notification on the date the letter is presented.
Where the request specifies that the applicant agrees to receive the competent authority’s replies at an electronic address, notifications may be sent to the applicant by electronic mail. In this case, the applicant is deemed to have received these notifications on the date on which he/she consults them using the electronic procedure. An electronic acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the competent authority when the document is consulted. If the applicant has not consulted the document within three days of it being sent, he is deemed to have received the notification;
2° Displayed, at the Prefect’s initiative, for one month at the town hall of the municipality in which the site is located. In the event of tacit authorisation, a certificate from the Prefect is posted under the same conditions.
Completion of the formality provided for in 2° is recorded in the prefecture’s administrative records.
The Prefect will notify the Film Ombudsman of the Commission’s decision, or where applicable the certificate referred to in 2°, within ten days.