When an organisation responsible for paying family benefits acts on behalf of a maintenance creditor, it shall notify the request for direct payment to the third party mentioned in article L. 213-1 by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt which includes, on pain of nullity, the information provided for in the second paragraph of article R. 213-1 as well as the terms and conditions for the payment of unpaid instalments.
Payment of sums due in respect of unpaid instalments is made in equal monthly instalments over a maximum period of twenty-four months in accordance with the following procedures, set by the body responsible for family benefits, taking into account the need for prompt payment of maintenance and subject to the debtor’s ability to pay:
1° Over a minimum period corresponding to the number of unpaid instalments due;
2° Over a maximum period of twelve months when the number of unpaid instalments due is less than or equal to twelve months;
3° Over a maximum period of twenty-four months when the number of unpaid instalments due is greater than twelve months.
By way of derogation from the four preceding paragraphs, with the agreement of the debtor, payment may be made in a single instalment or in equal monthly instalments over a maximum period of six months, where the total amount owed by the debtor in respect of unpaid maintenance is less than an amount, rounded up to the nearest euro, corresponding to 1.2 times the amount of the monthly basis for calculating family allowances set in application of article L. 551-1 of the Social Security Code.