I.-Practitioners meeting the following cumulative conditions of training and experience are deemed to be able to prove their competence to carry out one or more of the medical biology examinations mentioned in article R. 2131-1 :
1° Be a medical biologist within the meaning of Articles L. 6213-1, L. 6213-2 or L. 6213-2-1;
2° Hold a university degree in the biological specialities relating to prenatal diagnosis, under the conditions specified by order of the Minister for Health;
3° Prove that they have the required length and nature of experience to carry out biological prenatal diagnostic activities under the conditions defined by this same order.
II.-Medical biologists satisfying the conditions mentioned in 1° of I and registered with a view to obtaining the university diploma(s) mentioned in 2° of I are also deemed to be able to prove their competence to carry out these biological activities in prenatal diagnosis for a maximum period of one year, renewable once, who do not satisfy the conditions of experience mentioned in 3°, provided that they are able to call on the services of a medical biologist who satisfies all the conditions mentioned in I and who is practising within the same structure.