Contracts entered into by a general purpose investment fund may relate to :
a) Commodities. Exposure to any one commodity contract may not exceed 10% of the assets. Significant correlations between commodity contracts entered into by the general purpose investment fund shall be taken into account in assessing this limit in accordance with the procedures laid down in the general regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers. The unwinding of these contracts may only give rise to the transfer of eligible items to the assets of a general-purpose investment fund;
b) By way of derogation from the 10% limit set out in a), a general-purpose investment fund may increase the limit of exposure to a single contract to 20% when, in accordance with the fund rules or the articles of association of the general-purpose investment fund, the investment policy of this fund aims to replicate the composition of a financial index meeting the conditions set out in I of article R. 214-32-25.
A general-purpose investment fund may raise the 20% limit mentioned in the previous paragraph to 35% when this is justified by exceptional market conditions, in particular with regard to markets in which certain commodities are largely dominant. Investment up to this limit is only permitted for a single contract;
c) On assets mentioned in article R. 214-32-19.