I.-In order to verify compliance with the conditions mentioned in Article R. 2141-1-1, the Agence de la biomédecine shall compile a technical file specifying :
1° The characterisation or nature of the process ;
2° The procedures and operating methods involved and identification of the critical stages;
3° An analysis of the foreseeable risks and, where appropriate, a justification of the additional constraints of the process studied compared to the risks and constraints of regularly used processes;
4° Where applicable, the impact of the process on the number of embryos conserved;
5° Any other relevant scientific data.
II-This dossier also includes the scientific evidence available in France or abroad, based in particular on:
1° Collection of the relevant scientific literature and the studies cited therein, including epidemiological investigations and any research involving humans;
2° animal or in vitro test reports.
III -If it is not in favour of including the procedure on the list mentioned in Article L. 2141-1, the Agence de la biomédecine may add recommendations to its opinion so that research is carried out, in particular research involving the human person under the conditions mentioned in Articles R. 1125-14 to R. 1125-24.
IV – If the procedure is included on the list mentioned in Article L. 2141-1, the information mentioned in 1° and 2° of I is made public on the Agence de la biomédecine website.