I.-Practitioners meeting the following cumulative conditions of training and experience are deemed to be able to prove their competence to carry out the clinical activities of medically assisted procreation mentioned in 1° of article R. 2142-1:
1° Be a qualified doctor specialising in gynaecology-obstetrics, medical gynaecology, urology, general surgery or endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases, or qualified as a specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics or obstetrics or medical gynaecology or endocrinology, depending on the type of activity carried out and in accordance with the conditions specified by order of the Minister for Health;
2° Possess a diploma of complementary specialised studies or, failing that, a right to practise in the specialities allowing clinical activities in medically assisted procreation to be carried out and under the conditions set by this same order;
3° Provide proof of the duration and nature of experience in these activities under the conditions defined by this same order.
II – Doctors who satisfy the conditions mentioned in 1° of I and who are enrolled to obtain a diploma of complementary specialised studies mentioned in 2° of I are also deemed to be able to prove their competence to carry out the clinical activities of medically assisted procreation for a period of one year, renewable once, on condition that they are able to call on the services of a doctor who can prove that they satisfy all the conditions mentioned in I and who is practising within the same structure.