The multidisciplinary clinical-biological medical team referred to in Article L. 2141-2 is composed, for clinical activities involving medically assisted procreation, of at least :
1° A doctor qualified in gynaecology-obstetrics or medical gynaecology or endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases for the clinical activities of oocyte retrieval with a view to medically assisted procreation or donation, transfer and implementation of embryo reception;
2° A doctor qualified in urology or general surgery or gynaecology-obstetrics for sperm retrieval.
These practitioners meet the conditions set out in article R. 2142-10.
II. -It also includes, for the purposes of conducting individual interviews with the two members of the couple or the unmarried woman:
1° In addition to the doctors mentioned in I, at least one psychiatrist, psychologist or nurse with training or experience in psychiatry;
2° Where necessary, a social services assistant.
III – It also includes, for the biological activities of medically assisted procreation, at least one medical biologist and one laboratory technician, meeting the conditions mentioned in article R. 2142-11.