For an uninterrupted period beginning no later than the twenty-first day prior to the meeting, companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market shall publish the following information and documents on the website provided for in Article R. 22-10-1:
1° The notice referred to in Article R. 22-10-22;
2° The total number of voting rights existing and the number of shares making up the company’s capital on the date of publication of this notice, specifying, where applicable, the number of shares and voting rights existing on this date for each category of shares;
3° The documents to be submitted to the meeting, in particular with regard to the provisions of Articles L. 225-115 and R. 225-83;
> The text of the draft resolutions to be submitted to the meeting
4° The text of the draft resolutions to be submitted to the meeting by the Board of Directors or the Management Board, as the case may be;
>The postal voting forms
5° The postal voting and proxy voting forms or the single document provided for in the third paragraph of Article R. 225-76, except in cases where the company sends these forms to all its shareholders.
Where, for technical reasons, these forms cannot be made available on its website, the company shall indicate on its website the places and conditions in which they may be obtained. It shall send them at its own expense to any shareholder who requests them.
The company shall publish the forms on its website without delay.
The company shall promptly publish on its website the text of the draft resolutions submitted by shareholders and the list of items added to the agenda at their request.
For each item on the agenda, the company shall send the shareholders a copy of the draft resolutions.
For each item on the agenda, the company may also publish a commentary by the Board of Directors or the Management Board, as the case may be.
When the meeting is convened in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 233-32, the deadline set in the first paragraph of this Article is reduced to the fifteenth day before the meeting at the latest.