Article R22-10-1 of the French Commercial code
Companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market are required to have a website in order to meet their obligations to provide information to their shareholders.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK II: Commercial companies and economic interest groupings. | TITLE II: Provisions specific to various commercial companies. | Chapter X: Companies whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market or a multilateral trading facility
Companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market are required to have a website in order to meet their obligations to provide information to their shareholders.
The copy of the draft articles of association filed with the clerk of the commercial court of the place of the company’s registered office is drawn up on plain paper and signed by the founders. It is communicated to any applicant who may examine it or obtain, at his own expense, a copy.
The notice provided for in the second paragraph of Article L. 225-2 is published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires, before the start of subscription operations and prior to any publicity measures. The notice contains the following information It contains the following information: 1° The corporate name of the company to be formed, followed, where appropriate, by its acronym; >The form of the company 2° The form of the…
The prospectuses and documents informing the public of the issue of shares shall reproduce the information in the notice provided for in article R. 22-10-3 and shall contain a mention of the publication of this notice in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires with reference to the number in which it was published. They shall also briefly set out the founders’ plans for the use of the funds raised by…
The subscription form is dated and signed by the subscriber or his authorised representative, who writes in full the number of shares subscribed. A copy on plain paper is given to the subscriber. The subscription form sets out: 1° The corporate name of the company to be formed, followed, where applicable, by its acronym; >The form of the company 2° The form of the company; 3° The amount of share…
The funds from cash subscriptions and the list containing the surname, usual first name and domicile of the subscribers, with an indication of the sums paid by each of them, shall be deposited, on behalf of the company being formed and by the persons who received the funds, either at the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, or with a notary, or with a credit institution or intermediary mentioned in the…
The contribution auditors are chosen from among the statutory auditors registered on the list provided for in I of article L. 822-1 or from among the experts registered on one of the lists drawn up by the courts and tribunals. The contribution auditors are appointed by the president of the commercial court, acting on a petition. They are appointed, where appropriate, by the president of the commercial court, ruling on…
The report of the contribution auditors describes each of the contributions, indicates which valuation method was adopted and why it was chosen, and states that the value of the contributions corresponds at least to the nominal value of the shares to be issued, plus any share premium.
The contribution auditors’ report shall be filed at least eight days before the date of the constituent general meeting at the address of the registered office indicated in the subscription form and at the office of the clerk of the commercial court within whose jurisdiction the registered office is located. It is kept at the disposal of subscribers, who may examine it or obtain a full or partial copy.
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