Persons residing in France who have acquired professional competence in accordance with the conditions set out in article R. 221-12 must apply for a professional licence from the Prefect of the département in which they are established. Persons residing abroad must submit their application to the Prefect of Paris. The application must be accompanied by proof of the applicant’s nationality, a copy of the certificates of professional competence or training and, where applicable, proof of professional experience.
The Prefect will inform the applicant of any missing documents within one month of receipt of the application. The Prefect will acknowledge receipt of the professional licence application when it is complete.
It will make its decision within two months of receipt of the complete application. If the Prefect remains silent for more than two months, the professional card will be granted.
The programme and composition of the juries, the procedures for organising the aptitude test and the adaptation course and the composition of the file mentioned in the above paragraph are set by an order of the ministers responsible for culture and tourism.