In the specific case where the vehicle has been immobilised in order to be handed over to a pledgee, the bailiff shall serve the person required to hand over the vehicle, no later than eight days after the immobilisation, with a document containing, under penalty of nullity :
1° A copy of the immobilisation report;
2° An injunction to report to the bailiff’s office within eight days to agree with the bailiff the conditions for transporting the vehicle, with a warning that failing this, the vehicle will be transported at the bailiff’s expense to be handed over to the pledgee;
3° A separate statement of the sums claimed in principal, costs and accrued interest, together with an indication of the interest rate;
4° Where the creditor does not use the simplified realisation procedure provided for in the second paragraph of article 2346 of the Civil Code, a warning, in very conspicuous lettering, that he has a period of one month to proceed with the amicable sale of the immobilised vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 221-30 to R. 221-32, and that after this period, the vehicle may be sold by compulsory auction;
5° Where the creditor applies the simplified realisation procedure provided for in the second paragraph of article 2346 of the Civil Code:
a) The date of service made pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 2346 of the French Civil Code must be clearly stated;
b) The second paragraph of Article 2346 of the French Civil Code must be reproduced;
6° It must be stated that any disputes may be brought, at the option of the person required to surrender the vehicle, before the enforcement judge of the place where he or she lives or where the vehicle is immobilised.
Once the vehicle has been handed over to the pledgee, it is placed in the pledgee’s custody.
Where the creditor does not use the simplified realisation procedure provided for in the second paragraph of article 2346 of the Civil Code, in the absence of an amicable sale within the prescribed period, a forced sale is carried out by public auction in accordance with the conditions laid down for seizure and sale. Where applicable, the provisions relating to incidents of seizure and sale are applied.