At least fifteen days before the date of the consultation, the employer shall notify the employees of the draft agreement and the organisational arrangements defined in application of article R. 2232-11.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Book II: Collective bargaining - Collective bargaining agreements | Title III: Conditions for the negotiation and conclusion of collective labour agreements | Chapter II: Rules applicable to each level of negotiation | Section 2: Company or establishment agreements | Subsection 4: Provisions relating to the approval of agreements by employees in undertakings with fewer than eleven employees and in undertakings with between eleven and twenty employees without an elected representative on the social and economic committee. | Article R2232-12 of the French Labour Code
At least fifteen days before the date of the consultation, the employer shall notify the employees of the draft agreement and the organisational arrangements defined in application of article R. 2232-11.
Quinze jours au moins avant la date de la consultation, l’employeur communique aux salariés le projet d’accord et les modalités d’organisation définies en application de l’article R. 2232-11.
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