The decisions of the general meetings of shareholders referred to in article R. 228-28 are published in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires.
This publication indicates the date on which the consolidation operations will begin; this date is at least fifteen days after the date of publication.
This publication shall also indicate:
1° The company name and form of the company;
2° Its registered office;
3° The amount of its share capital;
4° The number of shares subject to the reverse split and the nominal value of each;
5° The number of shares to result from the reverse split and the nominal value of each;
6° The basis of exchange of the shares subject to the reverse split for the shares to arise from the reverse split;
7° The trading price of the old fractional shares, determined by the General Meeting under the conditions provided for in Article R. 228-28;
8° The names and addresses of the shareholder(s) who will have given the undertaking provided for in Article L. 228-29-2 ;
9° The date of the general meeting that decided on the reverse split;
10° The date on which the period provided for in the first paragraph of Article R. 228-30 expires;
11° The place or places where the old shares must be presented for the purposes of the reverse split and where requests to acquire or sell old fractional shares must be lodged.