For the application of 3° of article L. 228-99, the adjustment equalises, to the nearest hundredth of a share, the value of the securities that are obtained in the event of the exercise of the rights attached to the securities giving access to the capital after the completion of the transaction and the value of the securities that would have been obtained in the event of the exercise of these rights before the completion of the transaction.
To this end, the new bases for exercising rights attached to securities giving access to the capital are calculated by taking into account:
1° In the event of a transaction involving preferential subscription rights and in accordance with the terms of the issue contract:
a) Either the ratio between, on the one hand, the value of the preferential subscription right and, on the other hand, the value of the share after detachment of this right as they emerge from the average of the opening prices quoted during all the trading sessions included in the subscription period;
b) Or the number of securities issued to which an old share gives entitlement, the issue price of these securities and the value of the shares before detachment of the subscription right. This value is equal to the weighted average of the prices for the last three trading sessions at least preceding the day on which the issue begins;
2° In the event of the allocation of bonus shares, the number of shares to which one old share gives entitlement;
3° In the event of the distribution of reserves, in cash or in kind, or of share premiums, the ratio between the amount per share of the distribution and the value of the share before the distribution. This value is equal to the weighted average of the prices for at least the last three trading sessions preceding the day of the distribution;
4° In the event of a change in the distribution of profits, the ratio between the reduction per share of the entitlement to profits and the value of the share prior to this change. This value is equal to the weighted average of the share prices for at least the last three trading sessions preceding the day of the change;
5° In the event of capital amortisation, the ratio between the amount per share of the amortisation and the value of the share before the amortisation. This value is equal to the weighted average of the share prices for at least the last three trading sessions preceding the day of the amortisation.
When the company’s shares are not admitted to trading on a regulated market, the issue contract shall set out the adjustment procedures, and in particular the procedures for determining the value of the share to be taken into account for the application of the above paragraphs.
The Board of Directors or the Management Board shall report on the elements of the calculation and the results of the adjustment in the next annual report.