I.-The Sanctions Committee may set up sections of three or five members, chaired by a person mentioned in 1° of Article L. 232-7-2.
The Sanctions Committee may only sit in plenary session if at least five of its members are present. A five-member section may only sit if at least three of its members are present or replaced. A three-member section may only sit if all its members are present or replaced.
The Enforcement Committee meets in plenary session when convened by its Chairman. It meets as a section when convened by the section chairman. The notice of meeting sets the agenda for the meeting.
In the presence of at least six of its members, the Enforcement Committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure, which shall specify how it is to operate.
II – When the Enforcement Committee sets up a Section, it appoints its chairman and determines its composition in such a way as to ensure diversity of expertise.
This decision is published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
III – If the chairman of the Enforcement Committee is unable to act, his powers are exercised by the vice-chairman. If the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are unable to act, the Chairman’s duties will be performed by one of the other members of the Commission mentioned in 1° of Article L. 232-7-2, whom he appoints.
If a member of a section is unable to attend, that member is replaced by a member of the Commission designated by the Commission Chairman.