The Agency acknowledges receipt of the application for authorisation under the conditions set out in articles R. 112-4 and R. 112-5 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. This acknowledgement of receipt starts the twenty-one clear day period within which the Agency must notify the sportsperson of its decision. If the Agency does not respond to an application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption within this period, it will be deemed to have rejected the application. Where applicable, the person(s) with parental authority or the legal representative of the person concerned are informed in the same way.
When the French Anti-Doping Agency receives an application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption from a person who has declared himself to be an “international level athlete” in the form provided for in 1° of article D. 232-73, it informs him that this application must be sent to the International Federation to which he belongs.