Before taking up their duties, the persons appointed to issue notices for payment of the post-parking charge shall take an oath before the judicial court in the place of their administrative residence or, failing that, their domicile or, in the case of agents of the contracting third party not established in France, in the place of the head office of the local authority or public establishment that has contracted with their company. They take the oath at the seat of this court or, where applicable, at one of its local chambers.
The wording of the oath is as follows: “I swear and promise to perform my duties faithfully and well and to observe in all circumstances the duties imposed upon me by them. I also swear not to reveal or use anything brought to my knowledge in the performance of my duties. “
This oath remains valid for as long as the person concerned continues to perform the same duties, including in a judicial court jurisdiction other than the one in which the initial oath was taken.
Officers who, on the date provided for in the first paragraph of V of Article 63 of Law no. 2014-58 of 27 January 2014, are sworn to record paid parking offences retain the benefit of this swearing for the performance of the duties provided for in Article L. 2333-87.
Officers meeting the conditions set out in this article are referred to in this section as “sworn officers”. They shall carry at all times a professional card bearing their photograph and a distinctive sign of their function. They are given an identification number by the authority to which they report.
This authority establishes and keeps up to date a compendium, in paper or electronic format, in which all the identification numbers allocated appear and for each of them:
a) The surname and first name of the corresponding agent;
b) The place and nature of the duties they perform;
c) The date and place of their swearing-in;
d) A specimen of their handwritten signature.
In order to protect the security of the agents, the data contained in the collection may only be communicated in the event of litigation in the course of which the competence of the agent who drew up the payment notice would be called into question.