Subject to the provisions of articles R. 4414-1 and R. 4414-2, the sums due to the public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with their own tax status with a population of at least 10,000 and to the communes with a population of 10,000 or more referred to in 1° of I of article R. 2334-10 are paid directly to them. A municipality with a population of 10,000 or more that is a member of a grouping of territorial authorities that does not meet the conditions set out in 1° of I of article R. 2334-10, and this grouping may agree to the payment to this grouping of sums allocated for the benefit of the municipality, according to a distribution key expressed as a percentage of these sums and which is defined by joint deliberations of the two authorities. These decisions may be taken over several years. In order to be applicable, these decisions must have been adopted during the calendar year preceding that of the distribution or at the latest before 15th April of the year of the distribution. If these deliberations have been adopted under the aforementioned conditions, the prefect notifies the allocations due respectively to the municipality and the grouping in accordance with the aforementioned distribution key.
The sums due to groupings with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants and to municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants are first shared between the départements in proportion to the number of contraventions counted in the previous year in the territory of these municipalities and groupings, then distributed in each département between the municipalities and groupings that have to carry out the work mentioned in article R. 2334-12. The distribution is made by the departmental council, which draws up the list of beneficiaries and the amount of the allocations to be paid to them according to the urgency and cost of the operations to be carried out. The list of beneficiaries may also include groupings that do not meet the conditions set out in 2° of I of article R. 2334-10 for carrying out operations on the territory of the municipalities and groupings mentioned in this 2°. If the departmental council has not drawn up a list of beneficiaries under the conditions set out in this paragraph or during the calendar year preceding that of the allocation by 1st September of the year of the allocation at the latest, the prefect may draw up this list for all the credits still to be allocated.