I. – The allocation accruing to the inter-municipal groupings in Mayotte, calculated in accordance with article R. 2336-7, is distributed between these same inter-municipal groupings on the basis of their population.
II. – The allocation for each inter-municipal grouping is divided between the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation and its member communes on the basis of the tax integration coefficient defined in III of article L. 5211-30, and then between the member communes on the basis of their population.
By decision taken within two months of notification of the allocation referred to in the previous paragraph, by a two-thirds majority, the deliberative body of the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation may derogate from the methods for distributing this allocation, taking into account as a priority, for the distribution between communes, the insufficiency of financial potential per inhabitant and the size of their population. This derogation may not have the effect of reducing the amounts distributed by more than 30%.
The population to be taken into account for the application of this article is that defined in article L. 2334-2.
III. – The Prefect of the Department of Mayotte notifies the allocations due to the communes.
IV. – The individual repayments determined for each commune are made monthly once the distribution of allocations has been notified.