In order to select the subcontractors, the holder must indicate in the notice or, in the absence of such a notice, in another consultation document:
1° The obligation of the subcontractor to provide a declaration stating that it is not placed in one of the cases of exclusion listed by the legislative provisions of Chapter I of Title IV;
2° The requirements relating to fitness to carry out the professional activity, economic and financial capacity, technical and professional capacity and the information or documents enabling this capacity to be assessed, as required of candidates when the main contract is awarded;
3° Where appropriate, the other conditions, information or documents that it intends to require.
The requirements mentioned in 2° and 3° by the contractor must not be discriminatory and may only be imposed if they are made necessary by the purpose of the sub-contract and the nature of the services to be provided.
Where the Contractor decides to set minimum levels of capacity, it may only require of candidates minimum levels of capacity that are proportionate to the purpose of the sub-contract.