I.-The Prefect establishes, as part of the ORSEC plan mentioned inarticle L. 741-1 of the Internal Security Code, a specific plan for managing epidemics of vector-borne diseases, in the event of an established health risk. These measures include:
1° Disinsectisation measures, in particular for intervention around human cases of disease or to limit the transmission of vector-borne diseases and the risk of epidemics;
2° The identification of public or private organisations that can contribute to the fight against vector-borne insects and their mobilisation in accordance witharticle R. 741-1 of the Internal Security Code ;
3° Actions to inform the public and raise awareness of individual prevention and protection measures.
II-Agents of organisations authorised under the conditions set out in article R. 3114-11 are authorised to carry out surveys, treatments, work and checks required for their work.