I.-The information provided for in the first paragraph of II of Article L. 3222-5-1 concerning the renewal of a seclusion or restraint measure is delivered without delay and by any means that enables a date to be given as being certain of its receipt by the director of the establishment to the liberty and custody judge, as soon as the measure reaches a cumulative duration of forty-eight hours of seclusion or twenty-four hours of restraint. This cumulative duration may result from:
1° Measures taken consecutively;
2° Measures taken non-consecutively but separated by less than forty-eight hours. The cumulative duration is calculated by adding together the durations of all the measures taken less than forty-eight hours after the previous one;
3° Measures taken non-consecutively but whose cumulative duration is reached over a period of fifteen days.
II – When the doctor decides to take a new seclusion or restraint measure before the expiry of a period of forty-eight hours following a decision to release the patient, the information provided for in the fourth paragraph of II of article L. 3222-5-1 is delivered to the liberty and custody judge in accordance with the procedures provided for in I of this article.
III – Information to the liberty and custody judge is repeated, in accordance with the same procedures:
1° When the doctor, after a decision to maintain the measure taken by the liberty and custody judge under the conditions provided for in the fifth paragraph of II of article L. 3222-5-1, exceptionally renews a restraint measure reaching a cumulative duration of ninety-six hours, calculated under the conditions provided for in I. This information is repeated if the same measure is subsequently renewed;
2° When the doctor, following a decision to maintain the measure taken by the liberty and custody judge under the conditions provided for in the fifth paragraph of II of article L. 3222-5-1, exceptionally renews a seclusion measure for a cumulative period of one hundred and forty-four hours, calculated under the conditions provided for in I.