The equipment mentioned in article R. 322-19 is regularly maintained by the operators or managers so that it complies at all times with the safety requirements defined by this section.
As soon as it is installed for the first time, it is inspected by the operators or managers in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards, the references of which are published in the Journal officiel de la République française.
The operators or managers of the equipment installed shall draw up an inspection and maintenance plan specifying in particular the frequency of inspections. They shall keep this plan and a register of the date and results of the tests and inspections carried out at each site available for inspection officers.
After use, goals that are not permanently fixed are rendered unusable by the public and are secured in such a way as to avoid any risk of falling, tipping over or toppling over.
Any equipment that does not comply with the safety requirements of this section shall be immediately rendered inaccessible to users by the operator or manager.