I.-Prior to the admission of a patient to a unit for difficult patients, the psychiatrists practising in this unit may visit the health establishment in which the patient is hospitalised in order to examine the patient.
II – A patient’s admission to a unit for patients with difficult mental health conditions is decided by order of the prefect of the department or, in Paris, the prefect of the police force, in which the establishment in which the patient is hospitalised before being admitted to the unit for patients with difficult mental health conditions is located. With the aim of maintaining or restoring the patient’s relationship with his family and friends, this order determines the place of hospitalisation in consideration of his personal and family interests. A copy of the order is sent to the prefect of the département in which the hospital where the patient is admitted is located.
The patient is informed of the decision referred to in the previous paragraph in accordance with the provisions of article L. 3211-3.
III – The Prefect makes his decision on the basis of a medical and administrative file comprising in particular :
1° A detailed medical certificate, drawn up by the psychiatrist of the establishment requesting admission, specifying the reasons for the request for hospitalisation in the unit for difficult patients, as well as, where applicable, any psychiatric assessments the patient has undergone;
2° The agreement of a psychiatrist on the unit for difficult patients;
3° Where applicable, an indication of the measures to be taken to protect the patient’s property.
IV – In the event of disagreement from the psychiatrist in charge of the unit for difficult patients, the prefect of the department in which the establishment in which the patient is hospitalised is located or, in Paris, the police prefect, may refer the matter to the medical monitoring committee provided for in article R. 3222-4, which will rule on the admission as soon as possible.
V.-The health establishment in which the patient who was the subject of the request for admission to the unit for difficult patients was hospitalised organises, when the patient is discharged from the unit, the conditions for continuing care without consent when this is decided in accordance with article R. 3222-6, whether the care is provided within the establishment or in another health establishment if necessary.