The activity report provided for in 6° of Article L. 3223-1 includes the following information:
1° Commission activity statistics, presented in the form of a table complying with a model laid down by order of the Minister for Health, accompanied by any comments or observations that the Commission deems useful on these data;
2° An assessment of the use of the procedure applicable in the event of imminent danger to the person’s health, as provided for in 2° of II of Article L. 3212-1 , and the procedure applicable in the event of an emergency and serious risk of harm to the patient, as provided for in Article L. 3212-3, as well as the implementation of the provisions of Article L. 3222-5-1 relating to isolation and restraint measures;
3° A summary of the Commission’s conclusions regarding the complaints it has received and the findings it has made during its visits to establishments, particularly with regard to the keeping of registers and respect for individual freedoms and personal dignity, as well as the number of patients heard.
The activity report for each calendar year is sent during the first quarter of the following year to the authorities mentioned in 6° of article L. 3223-1.