I.-For the application of the provisions of 1° of article L. 3223-1 and the last paragraph of article L. 3213-9, the Commission is informed of decisions to admit a person to psychiatric care taken pursuant to Chapters II to IV of Title I of this Book andarticle 706-135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, decisions to maintain or renew these measures and decisions to lift them, as well as decisions to provide care in a form other than full hospitalisation:
1° By the director of the establishment, in the event of admission for psychiatric care ordered in application of article L. 3212-1 ;
2° By the Prefect of the département in which the establishment is located or, in Paris, by the Police Prefect, in the event of admission for psychiatric care ordered in application of articles L. 3213-1, L. 3213-7 or L. 3214-3 of this Code or article 706-135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
II – For the application of the provisions of 2° of article L. 3223-1, the Commission examines the situation of persons whose admission has been ordered in application of 2° of II of article L. 3212-1 before the expiry of a period of three months from this admission, and then at least once every six months.
III – For the application of the provisions of 2° and 3° of article L. 3223-1, the commission may ask the director of the establishment or the prefect of the department or, in Paris, the police prefect, to send it copies of court decisions, administrative decisions, opinions, certificates and care programmes relating to the care measure to which the person whose situation it is examining is subject.