The priority of the territorial mental health project is to organise the conditions for preventing and dealing with crisis and emergency situations.
To this end, it provides for:
1° The organisation of the intervention of psychiatric professionals in people’s homes, including in social and medico-social accommodation structures, to prevent psychiatric emergencies and in the event of psychiatric emergencies, by promoting the coordinated intervention of healthcare professionals and these structures;
2° The organisation of permanent care and a response system for psychiatric emergencies, in accordance with the provisions ofarticle L. 3221-5-1.
3° The participation of psychiatric professionals in care provided within the emergency structures of health establishments, in accordance with the provisions ofArticle R. 6123-32-9, within a framework that organises the responsibilities of the players involved in the care pathways of people with mental disorders, in order to promote fluidity and prevent the risk of suicide;
4° The organisation of follow-up after hospitalisation, if necessary with social or medico-social support, in order to avoid breaks in the care pathway, and, depending on the resources available in the region, follow-up after hospitalisation following a suicide attempt.