I. – The priority of the territorial mental health project is to organise the conditions for respecting and promoting the rights of people with mental disorders, to strengthen their power to decide and act and to combat the stigmatisation of these disorders.
To this end, it promotes the involvement of these people, their relatives and their families in the development and implementation of the care and social or medico-social support project, particularly with regard to therapeutic education, support for carers and peer support schemes, such as the mutual self-help groups mentioned in article L. 1114-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.
II. – To enable these objectives to be achieved, the territorial mental health project aims to develop :
1° Local consultation and coordination forums, in particular local mental health councils or any committee set up by local and regional authorities to deal with mental health issues ;
2° Informing people with mental health problems and their families and friends about their rights in order to promote access to them;
3° Responding to people in situations of care without consent as referred to in articles L. 3211-2-1;
4° Combating the stigmatisation of mental disorders and improving information on mental health for the general public.