A collective labour agreement or contract of employment may not contain clauses providing for the allocation of alcoholic beverages to employees as a benefit in kind.
These provisions do not apply to drinks served with meals as a benefit in kind.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title III: Salary determination | Chapter I: Minimum growth wage | Section 2: Fixing procedures | Subsection 3: Benefits in kind | Article R3231-16 of the French Labour Code
A collective labour agreement or contract of employment may not contain clauses providing for the allocation of alcoholic beverages to employees as a benefit in kind.
These provisions do not apply to drinks served with meals as a benefit in kind.
Une convention ou un accord collectif de travail ou le contrat de travail ne peut comporter de clauses prévoyant l’attribution, au titre d’avantage en nature, de boissons alcoolisées aux travailleurs.
Ces dispositions ne s’appliquent pas aux boissons servies à l’occasion des repas constituant un avantage en nature.
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