Where the letting of premises for commercial use as furnished tourist accommodation does not involve a change of use or sub-destination subject to planning permission pursuant to c of article R. * 421-14 of the town planning code, or a change of use subject to prior declaration under b of article R. * 421-17 of the same code, the application for authorisation provided for in the first paragraph of IV bis of article L. 324-1-1 must be sent to the mayor of the municipality in which the premises are located, by any means that allows an acknowledgement of receipt to be obtained.
The application must state
1° The identity, which includes the SIRET number and capacity of the person signing the application in the case of a legal entity, the postal address of the applicant’s home or registered office and e-mail address, as well as, where applicable, those of the owner of the premises;
2° The address of the premises, specifying the building, staircase, floor and lot number where the premises are part of a building comprising several premises;
3° The surface area of the premises, the number of rooms in it and, where applicable, the size of the building in which it is located;
4° A statement of the proposed changes to the premises and the characteristics of the property to be let, in particular the maximum number of people that can be accommodated.
If the application is not complete, the local authority has one month from receipt to request the missing information. The applicant then has three months to complete the application.
The authorisation issued by the mayor reproduces all the information given in the application.
The permit lapses if the property is not let within three years of it being issued.