When the letting of premises for commercial use as furnished tourist accommodation involves a change of use or sub-destination subject to planning permission pursuant to c of the article R. * 421-14 du code de l’urbanisme, ou un changement de destination soumis à déclaration préalable en application du b de l’article R. * 421-17 du même code, l’autorisation prévue au premier alinéa du IV bis de l’article L. 324-1-1 tient lieu de permis de construire ou de décision de non-opposition à déclaration préalable.
In this case, this authorisation is applied for, investigated, issued and executed under the conditions laid down by the town planning code for the authorisation of which it takes the place, subject to the following provisions:
1° The application filed under article R. * 423-1 du code de l’urbanisme includes a statement indicating that it has also been submitted under the third paragraph of IV bis of article L. 324-1-1 of this code. It is supplemented by the information mentioned in article R. 324-1-6 which is not included in the application file for planning permission or prior declaration in application of sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 1 of Title III of Book IV of the regulatory part of the Town Planning Code;
2° Where the mayor of the municipality in which the application for planning permission has been submitted is not the competent authority to issue planning permission:
a) Transmission of the application by the mayor to the authority competent to issue planning permission pursuant to articles R. * 423-8 or R. * 423-9 takes the place of a request for the agreement provided for in article R. 425-32 of the same code;
b) This authority informs the mayor, within fifteen days of the transmissions provided for in articles R. * 423-8 and R. * 423-9 of the same code, that the planning permission application file is complete or, if incomplete, of the missing elements that must be included in this file. It also informs the applicant, under the same conditions, if the time limit for processing the application under ordinary law is modified or extended under the conditions set out in article R. * 423-18 of this code;
c) Notwithstanding articles R. * 423-5, R. * 423-22, R. * 423-38, R. * 423-42, R. * 423-44 and R. * 424-10 of the same code, notifications are sent by the mayor of the commune in which the application for authorisation was submitted. Copies of these notifications are sent to the authority competent to issue planning permission;
d) The decision of the authority competent to issue planning permission is sent to the mayor and takes the place of the response to the request for agreement provided for in a of 2° of this article;
e) The time limit for examining the application is, depending on the case, one of those provided for in articles R. * 423-23 to R. 423-37-2 du code de l’urbanisme, plus ten days.