The pay slip provided for in Article L. 3243-2 includes:
1° The name and address of the employer and, where applicable, the name of the establishment to which the employee belongs;
2° The number of the nomenclature of activity mentioned in 1° of article R. 123-223 of the Commercial Code characterising the activity of the establishment of employment as well as, for employers registered in the national register of companies and establishments, the registration number of the employer in the national register mentioned in article R. 123-220 of the same code;
3° If applicable, the title of the branch collective agreement applicable to the employee or, failing that, the reference to the Labour Code for the provisions relating to the employee’s paid holiday entitlement and the length of the notice period in the event of termination of the employment relationship;
4° The employee’s name and job as well as his position in the collective bargaining classification applicable to him. The employee’s position is defined in particular by the hierarchical level or coefficient assigned to him;
5° The period and number of hours worked to which the salary relates, distinguishing, where applicable, between hours paid at the normal rate and those for which overtime or any other additional charge is applied, and stating the rate or rates applied to the corresponding hours:
a) The nature and volume of the package to which the salary relates for employees whose remuneration is determined on the basis of a weekly or monthly package in hours, an annual package in hours or in days ;
b) An indication of the nature of the basis on which the salary is calculated when, by way of exception, this basis is not working hours;
6° The nature and amount of additional pay subject to employee and employer contributions;
7° The amount of the employee’s gross pay;
8° a) The amount and basis of statutory and collective bargaining contributions payable by the employer and the employee before deduction of the exemptions mentioned in 13° and, for statutory and collective bargaining contributions payable by the employee, their rates;
b) The nature and amount of payments and deductions other than those referred to in a) made during the period, in particular in respect of the payment of public transport costs or personal transport costs;
9° The base, rate and amount of the deduction at source provided for in 1° of 2 of Article 204 A of the General Tax Code, as well as the sum that would have been paid to the employee in the absence of deduction at source;
10° The amount of the sum actually received by the employee;
11° The date of payment of this sum;
12° The dates of leave and the amount of the corresponding allowance, where a period of annual leave is included in the pay period concerned;
13° The total amount of exemptions and waivers of social security contributions listed in the appendix referred to in 5° of III of Article LO 111-4 of the Social Security Code, applied to the remuneration referred to in 7° ;
14° The total amount paid by the employer, i.e. the sum of the remuneration referred to in 7° and the contributions payable by the employer referred to in a of 8°, after deduction of the exemptions from the same contributions referred to in 13°;
15° Mention of the section dedicated to the pay slip on the www. service-public. fr portal ;
16° In the case of partial activity:
a) The number of hours compensated;
b) The rate applied to calculate the indemnity referred to in article R. 5122-18;
c) The sums paid to the employee for the period in question.