If the employer is notified of an administrative attachment by a third party relating to a debt not guaranteed by the Treasury’s lien, in accordance with article L. 262 of the Book of Tax Procedures, the employer informs the public accountant of the attachment in progress.
The accountant sends a copy of the third-party administrative seizure relating to a debt not guaranteed by the Treasury’s lien to the court registry and indicates the date of notification to the debtor. The court clerk notifies the creditors who are already involved in the procedure.
Distribution is carried out by the court registry in accordance with articles R. 3252-34 to R. 3252-36. For this purpose, an administrative seizure by a third party relating to a claim not guaranteed by the public treasury’s preferential right is treated as an intervention.
Where applicable, the clerk’s office informs the employer that payments are henceforth made to the order of the registrar installed at the clerk’s office of the judicial court or, where applicable, of one of its local chambers. The public accountant informs the court registry of any lapse, suspension or resumption of the effects of the administrative seizure by third party holder relating to a claim not guaranteed by the public treasury’s preferential right.