Under the responsibility of the specialised issuer, sums credited to meal voucher accounts may be temporarily invested, provided that the amount remains immediately realisable at any time at its initial nominal value.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title VI: Miscellaneous benefits | Chapter II: Restaurant vouchers | Section 4: Operation and control of meal voucher accounts | Subsection 1: Operation | Article R3262-24 of the French Labour Code
Under the responsibility of the specialised issuer, sums credited to meal voucher accounts may be temporarily invested, provided that the amount remains immediately realisable at any time at its initial nominal value.
Sous la responsabilité de l’émetteur spécialisé, les sommes portées au crédit des comptes de titres-restaurant peuvent faire l’objet de placements temporaires sous réserve que leur montant demeure à tout moment immédiatement réalisable pour sa valeur nominale initiale.
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