I.-The rapporteurs responsible for examining cases before the Autorité de Régulation de la Communication Audiovisuelle et Numérique are appointed by the chairman of the authority from category A public servants or equivalent, who are in active service or have retired, and persons who can provide evidence of at least five years’ experience in the field of intellectual property law or technical measures and who hold one of the diplomas allowing access to a category A body.
Rapporteurs may also be appointed by judicial officers on secondment or secondment to the authority.
II.Rapporteurs, with the exception of those appointed from among the authority’s staff, are remunerated in the form of time off, the number of which is set by the chairman of the authority, for each case, on the basis of the time required to investigate it.
The amount and terms of remuneration are determined by the chairman of the authority.
The amount and terms of allocation of these allowances as well as the unit amount of the fees are set by joint order of the ministers responsible for culture, the budget and the civil service.
III -Rapporteurs are entitled to reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, in accordance with the conditions applicable to civil servants.