The experts referred to in Article R. 331-30 are appointed by the chairman of the Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique on a proposal from the rapporteur in charge of investigating the case. The chairman’s decision shall define the subject of the expert report, set the time limit for its completion and assess the corresponding foreseeable fees.
The fees and costs of the expert report shall be borne by the party that requested it or by the authority, in the event that the expert report is ordered ex officio by the chairman on the proposal of the rapporteur. However, the authority may, in its decision on the merits of the case, require certain parties to bear all or part of the final cost of the expert assessment under the conditions laid down in Article R. 331-44.
When an expert assessment is requested by a party and accepted by the Chairman, the amount of an advance equal to the fees provided for by the expert is recorded at the Chairman’s request. If several parties are required to make such a deposit, the chairman shall indicate in what proportion each party must deposit.
The expert report shall be given to the rapporteur in charge of the investigation of the case, who shall place it in the case file.