La dotation de fonctionnement minimale instituée par l’article L. 3334-7 est attribué aux départements métropolitains qui en remplissent les conditions d’attribution dans les conditions définies à l’article R. 3334-3-1 after deducting a sum equal to double the ratio, increased by 10%, between the total municipal population of the overseas departments, the territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and the collectivity of Saint-Martin and the municipal population of all the aforementioned overseas departments and collectivities, subject to the provisions of the fifth paragraph of article L. 3334-4.
This latter amount is allocated between the overseas departments, the territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and the collectivity of Saint-Martin under the conditions set out respectively in article R. 3443-2-1, in article 35 of law no. 85-1268 of 29 November 1985 relating to the overall operating grant and article R. 3443-1.