A creditor or credit intermediary who fails to comply with the pre-contractual information formalities prescribed in article R. 313-11 and relating to the advisory service is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Consumer Code | New regulatory part | Book III: CREDIT | Title IV: PENALTIES | Chapter I: Credit transactions | Section 2: Mortgages | Subsection 2: Explanations provided to borrowers and assessment of their creditworthiness | Article R341-21 of the French Consumer Code
A creditor or credit intermediary who fails to comply with the pre-contractual information formalities prescribed in article R. 313-11 and relating to the advisory service is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
Le fait pour le prêteur ou l’intermédiaire de crédit de ne pas respecter les formalités en matière d’information précontractuelle prescrites à l’article R. 313-11 et relatives au service de conseil est puni de la peine d’amende prévue pour les contraventions de 5e classe.
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