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Article R342-18 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum

The First President of the Court of Appeal or his delegate shall rule on the merits of the case within forty-eight hours from the date of referral. This time limit shall be calculated and extended in accordance with articles 640 and 642 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
The order shall be communicated to the public prosecutor. It is notified on the spot to the foreign national and his or her counsel, if any, as well as to the administrative authority. The parties present acknowledge receipt. The court clerk will notify the other parties, who will acknowledge receipt, by any means and as soon as possible.

The court clerk will notify the other parties, who will acknowledge receipt, by any means and as soon as possible.

Original in French 🇫🇷
Article R342-18

Le premier président de la cour d’appel ou son délégué statue au fond dans un délai de quarante-huit heures à compter de sa saisine. Ce délai est calculé et prorogé conformément aux articles 640 et 642 du code de procédure civile.
L’ordonnance est communiquée au ministère public. Elle est notifiée sur place à l’étranger et à son conseil, s’il en a un, ainsi qu’à l’autorité administrative. Les parties présentes en accusent réception. Le greffier la notifie par tout moyen et dans les meilleurs délais aux autres parties qui en accusent réception.

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