I.-The notification referred to in III of article L. 3512-17 includes the following information:
1° A detailed description of the product and instructions for its use;
2° The information on the ingredients and emission levels of the product referred to in 2°, 3° and 4° of article R. 3512-11;
3° Available scientific studies on the toxicity, addictiveness and attractiveness of the new tobacco product, in particular with regard to its ingredients and emissions;
4° Available studies, their summaries and market analyses concerning the preferences of different consumer groups;
5° Any useful new or updated information available, in particular a risk/benefit analysis of the product, its expected effects on cessation of tobacco consumption, its expected effects on initiation of tobacco consumption and forecasts of consumer perceptions.
II -Any new or updated information is the subject of an amending notification.
III-The public establishment mentioned in I of Article L. 3512-17 may request additional information or tests from manufacturers and importers concerning new tobacco products.
This request does not affect the deadline mentioned in III of article L. 3512-17.